Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Sharylann came in super excited today she could not contain herself... of course I didn't tell her I heard her screaming all the way from the fair, but Tom (her youngest) took first in his demo derby heat!

He was so excited along with the whole family!  I wish I could have been there it seemed like so much fun! This is what his truck looked like in the end. By the way if you look at the fireman on the left with the red hat (that is Sharylann's Hubby)!

Poor Chris (tom's friend) got a little more beat up, but he did great!

But the important thing is no one got hurt, everyone had fun and it is done (until next year)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

happy hot Sunday!

Happy Sunday to all my favorite people!!
 I just have to say I love these days... a day to sit and be a family! Do you ever just sit and think about the importance of family? How special they are? Why God placed those certain people in your life?

You may not always know why, but it is fun to be able to know they are there. No one can replace a family no matter what kind of family you have. If you live close by or far away. If you talk to them everyday or once a year... they are still family and the only family you'll have.  Sometimes we can get in such a busyness of life we forget how special they are. How much you're loved.

I love watching families! They are my favorite people to "people watch."  As the go on walks, go into church, ride by in their cars every family is different in there own way, but they are all FAMILIES! And nothing is going to change that. 

Tomorrow starts the day of a long awaited fun filled exciting week.  It is fair week! Bus loads of people drive by many many times a day.  And I think I have told you about my favorite day... demo derby day! So that means unfortunatly Sharylann will not be working tomorrow, but Tangled Threads will be open. 

Oh I almost forgot I saw this past week Sharylann working on the most amazing quilt.. I love it! If I had a house (or even a bed) I would make this one.  Love the colors, the fabric and it is a Marti Michell block of the month. Check it out.... what do you think?

Isn't it just fantastic! You should check out all the other classes coming up. Can't wait! These are just a few of the blocks! :)
happy Sunday All!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One of those days....

do you ever just have "one of those days?"

It is pretty crazy here in good ol' Lynden. We have had such nice HOT weather (well for us it is hot). But last night we got to experience one of those thunder/lightening storms! It was pretty fun/crazy.

If you don't know Lynden our town is so busy preparing for the annual week of fair! The Northwest Washington Fair that is. It is always so busy that week (Which is next week ) people laughing having a good time. I watch the bus go by who knows how many times picking up all super excited people and then dropping off the really tired ones.  If you have never been you should! Especially the quilt barn! There are some quilts there you just stand with your mouth open saying nothing. They are AMAZING!!!

Then there are the concerts.... I can hear them from where I stand so proud. And they have some good shows coming to town this year. :) My favorite is to hear the roar of the engines on the Demo Derby. Partially because my "adopted son" Tom (actually Sharylann's son, but I like to think of him as mine too!) drives in it. This year he has a black and red truck. His friend has one too the same colors his name is Chris... so you could really go for either one! :) Just yell loud. Usually I can hear Sharylann from here rootin' and yelling so loud for her little boy. (Don't tell her that)

Anyhoo, about today it can be one of those days that turns from good to bad to good again to blah to who knows what is happening! With the business of fair week aproaching, new classes coming up, to the headaches, sleepless nights, funny songs little kids make up my week has been eventful at that as well as I am thinking Thelma and Sharylann's.

So I have this question for you all.... what do you do to calm your stress? Read a book, take 5, quilt, nap.... Or like me stand here and focus on happy things or just being able to walk and not have to roll everywhere...this quote not sure if anyone has notice sits about the window at Tangled Threads.... I just love it and it can apply to your life in so many ways.